
Simple as a diary, quick as a sketchbook

New apporach!

Is this positive impact? 🔗I’ve begin new approach to trening by split 4 days into: Power FBW Hipertrophic Low and Up reload FBW I see that my legs are burning. Today is my 2nd hipetrohpic seassion, I’ll do remark about this. Where is my V0max? 🔗Title is answer in the same time. I need to adhere speed training into week, this is the time. In next days i will try.

Let's see!

My first post? 🔗Firstly, Yesterday at [2.07], I participated in new BJJ classes; it was my third attempt to become a new prof. It seems to be ok; I’ve learned the single-leg approach, squeezing with the leg, and knee-stand-up. First, when I fall into half-guard, I need to bend a knee under my ass, then push my body into this leg and stand via knee. The last part is to take over the leg and try to push guard.